Asset Performance
Optimize your production operations by transforming data into actionable insights
ALIZENT and AVEVA leverage a strategic partnership to connect, automate and optimize assets, processes, and operations for asset-intensive industries. Together we empower you to digitize your production operations and transform data into knowledge to create value and performance for your business.
Reduce your unplanned interventions
Read what we have done for a world leader in the mining sector, which was lacking visibility & control for its operations because of the incorrect configuration of its PI System data infrastructure.
Asset performance management
We connect people and assets to measure, visualize, and continuously improve operational efficiency, safety, and reliability. We leverage AVEVA APM solutions to support your business objectives by reducing unscheduled downtime, preventing asset failures, decreasing maintenance costs, improving service quality and improving asset life cycles. Our expertise allows us to offer:
- Assessment of industrial sites maturity and path forward
- Global implementation of AVEVA APM solutions, enriched by adapted tools for specific customer and local needs
- Support for deployment and standardization of use
- Operability and evolution of our solutions over the long term
- Associated services in an end-to-end approach
Our in-depth experience of the AVEVA PI System for over two decades and our multiple PI System specialists allow us to integrate the PI System for any asset-intensive industry as well as to develop our own innovative applications that enhance the set of possibilities of the solution. Our expertise allows us to offer:
- Assessment of the PI architecture and recommandations
- Migration from existing Historian to PI System
- Migration of ProcessBook to PI Vision
- Design of PI architectures
- Development of complex PI Asset Framework structures
- Development of KPI & Reports via Vision & PI DataLink
- Customized PI System monitoring solutions to ensure data availability
An example of industrial digital transformation around AVEVA PI System
Watch how the operations management system that we implemented for one of our customers around PI System brought value to the business and impacted their organizational aspects. A pitch given by Alizent at the AVEVA PI World 2019 in Gothenburg.